There have been many changes since the last update. Before the last update, the TDC datacenter was located in a subpar location prone to flooding. Fortunately, the system admin knew of this problem and designed the facility such that if flooding did occur, the systems would be safe.
Things happened that required the datacenter to move, however that first location was not as prime as should have been and less than a month later it was required to move again to another location for about 2 years.
In mid 2024 after many issues had been resolved and a new location had been secured, the TDC Datacenter is now near the system admin and no longer needs to be constantly remotely managed. Just when the admin is at work and bored. We are back to a gig connection and ready to abuse it.
With this move the virtual server received a major upgrade in hardware allowing for an increase in performance. Eventually the UnRAID server will go through the same process when funds become available.