Massive Update complete

All over the past couple of months during this Safer-at-home time where I need to drive into Milwaukee every day, but most are staying home, I have needed to update a few things to keep the data flowing. First, due to the increased demand from the viewers, a speed increase was needed. Now you should all be able to get some decent quality streams. Second, there has been a few more requests even as the number of new shows is dwindling fast. As space was limited on the former server, a new system was needed. Actually, this has been a concern before Covid-19 and there was much research put into how to best accomplish this task.

Well one was decided upon that will allow me to grow the space as it is needed without having to keep buying servers and 4 hard drives. The system chosen was a new 24 external bay, hot swappable server with plenty of CPU power and RAM running unRAID. This new system gives me the ability to add storage when it is needed without the need to create a new fixed sized server. As an example, the server was purchased with 4 8TB drives. The system was setup as 3 storage drives and 1 parity for redundancy giving 24 TB of storage. All of the videos were added to the new server. Once this data was copied, the old drives were moved over, adding 3 8TB for storage and a second parity for additional redundancy, give a total storage of 48TB. I then went through the process of moving all of the music to the new server. Again when it completed, those 4 4TB drives were added to the server, giving a total of 64TB of storage. All this was done with a few screws for the hard drives and a little bit of time to format the drives.

TDC is once again, ready for another year of adding to the collection.